Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Better JavaScript Hack To Get Browser History Urls

A new hack to get a list of URLs from the browser history using JavaScript (bypasses security permissions). This is better than previous hacks of this nature, which could only detect if the user had been to specific sites.

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A good reciped for BBQ chicken

This is a recipe for some BBQ chicken that came out pretty well- moist and delicious.

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FeedMarklet: Postmorterm for a web 2.0 product developed in 12 hours

FeedMarklet is a website that lets users very quickly make an RSS feed. This article describes its development process, which took place over the course of about 12 hours.

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Stories with Longer Titles Get More Diggs (with Graph, from 233K stories)

Using the Digg API, I collected the titles and number of diggs from 233,570 stories. Then I made a histogram of the average number of diggs vs. length of story title. This histogram shows very clearly that stories with longer titles get more diggs.

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Turns your bookmarks into an RSS feed in 2 minutes (Firefox or Safari)

This screencast shows how to make your bookmarks into an RSS feed in about 2 minutes, using Firefox.

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The Top 100 Words on Digg

This is a list of the top 100 words on Digg, based on average data from 233,000 stories gathered using the Digg API.

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How to make an RSS feed in about a minute

This screencast shows how to make an RSS feed in about a minute.

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